
Dog Eat Dog World

on saturday morning sadie got in a fight with another dog in our apartment complex. this other dog was huge; definitely had some pit bull in him. what happened was barb was leaving to go to yoga and this other dog was in the court yard running around while his owner sat outside their door. the dog saw barb and galloped over in a playful way, and sadie thought he was going to attack barb, so sadie shot out the door and they met head on. i didn't see this, but this is how it was told to me. i was on the computer when i heard barb screaming and dogs growling and barking. everything from there is a blur. i remember running outside and jumping on the other dog and trying to get sadie out of his mouth. i know the other dog was under me between my leg and my hands were around his neck/mouth/head. i just remember barb and the other dog's owner screaming. somehow, and i really don't know how, i let the dog go and his owner was trying to gain control of him and i had sadie in my arms and rushed inside and shut the door to make sure she was ok. the smell was awful. it smelled like dog shit was everywhere. i guess she released her anal sacks (that's a real thing). she was just howling and i was trying to calm her down. eventually she was quiet and i checked for blood, but i couldn't find any; just slobber. i brought her in our room and she went right under the bed and wouldn't come out. eventually barb pulled her out and we took her to the emergency vet. long story short, sadie is ok. she was in shock all day, but seems to have gotten her personality back today. apparently, she inflicted the most damage as the other dog was bleeding from his mouth; she either tore into his gums or bit his tongue. as the saying goes: "it's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog." my doxie is bad ass.

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