I'm not sure that made sense.
Well, the big news first: Barb & I are engaged! Woo-hoo!

8.) Get under 185lbs - I did. I'm currently at the 180 mark, which gives me some room to play with when it comes to #9 (remain under 185lbs). I'm not sure how to measure that because I think it's unfair that if I slip to 186 for a day it disqualifies the entire thing. Maybe I'll weigh in once a month and average it all out. Regardless, the first part is done.
35.) Send an (extremely weird, non-sensical) message in a bottle - I did. Over July 4th weekend Barb and I hosted Craig, Carla, Derby, and Erin down at her parent's place. At around midnight on Saturday, and a few drinks in, I whipped out my glass bottle, a pen, and a sheet of paper. I started the letter and proceeded to pass the note around in a circle until everyone added a few lines. I wish I transcribed it but I didn't. However, I know it included losing my virginity to the Beastie Boys, cherry picking, Neverland Ranch, and ended with "Dammit". Amazingly, we weren't lazy and walked down to the ocean and chucked it in for some very lucky person to find.
51.) Brew my own beer - I did. A few weeks ago I went over Jim's house and we went to the local home brew store. We picked out the ingredients we'd need for a nice Bavarian Wheat Beer and went back to his place to get started. I went back this past weekend to bottle it and can't wait for it to carbonate. Should be about 2 weeks before I tell you how good it is.
54.) Cook 50 New Recipes - not quite there. So far I've made 38 out of 50, which is a tremendous pace. Being that some of these were made over July 4th weekend when I was in the midst of hosting / celebrating I got lazy and didn't bring my camera out. The real shame is not having a pic of the ahi because it featured the best damn grill marks I've ever made! At least I have eye witnesses.
Dijon Grilled Pork Chops:

Seared Ahi w/ Wasabi Vinaigrette over Baby Greens
Crispy Potato Cakes
62.) Re-learn CSS - I kinda did so I'm counting it. This was a goal of mine because I hope to go back to school for web design and/or programming. For those of you who don't know, CSS is a language similar to HTML that allows you to stylize and layout the content of your web site. It's like learning a new language, and is kind of tricky, but I would say I have the basics down. This past weekend I built our entire wedding site. It's currently not live, but once we confirm our reception site I'm going to post it.
65.) Learn 5 "popular" (read: recognizable) songs on the guitar - 2 of 5 - The Beatles - "Can't Buy Me Love". The chords aren't hard, but I'm terrible at deciphering strumming patterns. Luckily, I found the strumming pattern online and can play along to it now. If they posted strumming patterns along w/ every tab I'd be a happy guy.
73.) Compile a playlist of my favorite song each week for a year - added some more. This one always makes me realize how long it's been between 101 updates...
The Dodos - Fools
Don Lennon - Junior Year Abroad
Good Old War - Looking for Shelter
Maritime - Parade of Punk Rock T-Shirts
Passion Pit - Little Secrets
78.) Read 30 books by 30 different authors - 2 more added bring the total to 13 of 30. I believe both of these were recommended by one Jennifer Scanlon, and coincidentally, today is her birthday. Happy Birthday, Jen!
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
Cormac McCarthy - The Road ... Honestly, this is one of the best books I've ever come across. I highly highly recommend it. Seriously.
94.) Photograph 5 sunrises in 5 different places - 1 of 5 done. I stayed up for the full 24 hours during Relay for Life and got the shot below. It's not the most stunning sunrise ever, but that's not part of the deal.

Congratulations on the engagement! And also, since you read THE ROAD and loved it, please let me shamelessly plug the cinematic version that I worked on, which will be out in mid-October. :)
ReplyDeleteyay for an update. yay for an engagement. yay for me to live vicariously through your wedding plan.